I haven't posted in awhile because I didn't feel I had anything exciting to say or any fabulous new work to post (though I haven't stopped creating stuff!). However, ever since I got back from
SAMA, it's been quite the exciting month for me! Here's what's been goin' on!

First, SAMA was awesome! It was my first time going and I intend on making it to each one from here on out! Unfortunately, I had to leave two days early, but the highlight for me was meeting my online friends in person - oh my god, what fabulous people! They were just as I imagined they would be. Fun, funny, sweet, weird, all good stuff! I miss them already! Here's just a few of them. We joked that ours was the kiddie table - all we did was play, laugh, and have a great time!

When I got back from SAMA, I immediately went to work on a new installation. I had about two weeks to get it done so I worked pretty much non-stop! A local church found me online and asked me to create a mosaic for one of their members who had done so much for their church. They wanted the words "Wittman Patio" and live oak leaves, since the church is
Live Oak Unitarian. I finished in time to install, but because of rain, didn't get it grouted in time for their Easter services. However, the mosaic was still revealed on Easter and Mr. Wittman and the congregation were very touched. :-)
Next up, publication!! I had submitted a few of my mosaics for a new publication on mosaic techniques about a year ago and completely forgot about it. Not only did one of my mosaics get selected to be in the gallery section of the book, but was one of several mosaics chosen to be on the cover as well! Woop woop! Check me out next to
Irina Charny :-)

After I got over that excitement (okay, I'm still not over it) I found out that I made my first gallery sale! While down in San Diego, I took my four cats to Solana Beach to be in a mosaics show at the
Trios Gallery with
Irina Charny,
Luz Mack Durini,
Laurie Mika and
Carole Choucair Oueijan (how lucky am I?). Just as the show was coming to an end and I was thinking about making a several hours drive to pick up my work, I got an email that somebody bought all four of my cats! These are among my favorite mosaics of mine and so I was very happy that somebody else loved them, too! I was invited to submit more mosaics to this gallery so off I go to create!

Finally, I have just been chosen to be the featured artist for the month of May at
Gallery Los Olivos in California. I just hung up my work and it will be there until June 3. It ended up that I had the perfect amount of work available to fit their wall! Now if I can just create enough for a solo show, that would be awesome! (It sure isn't easy, being as slow as I am, but I'm working on it!)
So....does all of this make up for the lack of posts over the past few months? :-)